
Why is Brookfield Renewable Corporation (BEPC) Stock down?

We've noticed a 7.22% decline in Brookfield Renewable Corporation (BEPC) stock during the 2024-11-06 trading session. While this could be attributed to normal volatility or various internal and external factors, please be aware that we are actively monitoring the situation, and we'll provide timely updates as soon as possible!
13 Jun, 2023:

BEPC's stock fell 6.16% after the operator of renewable energy generation platforms said it was making a big acquisition in the space. The company is acquiring existing and under-construction renewable assets from Duke Energy. The purchase will be immediately accretive to Brookfield's funds from operations next year. Investors are reacting to the pricing of equity being issued for a portion of the proceeds to fund the acquisition.


utilities_renewable ORA
price up icon 0.57%
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price up icon 2.41%
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price up icon 2.52%
price down icon 0.41%
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price up icon 0.09%
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