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Why is Legalzoom Com Inc (LZ) Stock down?

We've noticed a 7.92% decline in Legalzoom Com Inc (LZ) stock during the 2024-11-08 trading session. While this could be attributed to normal volatility or various internal and external factors, please be aware that we are actively monitoring the situation, and we'll provide timely updates as soon as possible!
09 Aug, 2023:

LegalZoom (LZ) shares dropped 20.46% on Q2 earnings meeting expectations but facing industry-wide price decline. Despite 4% revenue growth to $168.9 million, transaction revenue fell 7% to $60.5 million due to lower order value. Subscription revenue rose 12% to $102.2 million, with 26% more transactions and 159,000 new subscribers.


price down icon 2.89%
specialty_business_services DLB
price down icon 2.65%
price down icon 3.43%
specialty_business_services ULS
price down icon 1.34%
specialty_business_services RTO
price down icon 1.12%
specialty_business_services RBA
price down icon 0.11%
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